Monday 4 October 2010

Preperation of photographs and Topology Lines

Work commenced after the initial photograph had been taken. Because all photographs have a natural lens distortion, a lens correction had to be applied within photoshop to ensure that the images lined up. I found myself having to do this a few times as I found features didn't quite match up.  Once this was finished I drew on the main facial features with a thick blue brush in photoshop. This would act as a guide for the topology lines.

I found drawing the topology lines quite frustrating within photoshop. There is little control with raster graphics meaning one i drew a line i could not modify it in any easy way without delting it. Therefore I decided to use Illustrator which gave me much greater control and neatness when drawing the topology lines. I found the nose area particularly difficult to get a nice flow of polygons. After 3 attempts I finally had an image I was happy with and that I could use as my reference plane in Max. 


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