Wednesday 20 October 2010


This project has been by far the most difficult and challenging 3D model I have created. The hours and days working on this seemed to fly by. There was a great deal of frustration along the way, sometimes with the model itself sometimes with the tutorial video just 'skipping ahead' and not explaining parts but on reflection it makes us use our own knowledge to get around the problems. I think the strict reference lines that I had to stick to made it much more challenging to solve certain problems but I knew I had to keep to them in order to keep the head looking like mine. Once again however I have found myself with far more polygons within my model than I would have liked, which is something I will look to address in my next models.

Regardless of all that I am very happy with the final model. Because I have quite distinguishing features in my hair and glasses I think it will always help make the model look like me. I would have liked the head and face to be a little rounder, more Karl Pilkington esque, as currently it is a bit 'chiselled' in places. The way the hair and fur modifier and the material hair blends is a little unnatural and lets the model down a little but with the constant crashing that modifier introduced I was happy enough with the results to leave it.

I am really happy with the materials, especially the texture of the skin and the likeness of the features to my own. I always thought that the materials would make the model. On this occasion I was definitely correct. It is always good to learn a new technique and I really enjoyed the accuracy of this method and will definitely look to use it again in the future.

Now to concentrate on the Essex project...


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